USAID/Afghanistan Monitoring Support Project (MSP)

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

Project Details:

CLIENT: USAID/Afghanistan

REGION: Middle East & North Africa

COUNTRY: Afghanistan

SERVICE: Security, Defense, and Diplomacy, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

SECTOR: Agriculture, Capacity Building, Democracy & Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Environment, Gender, Health

PROJECT LENGTH: July 2015 – July 2017

Project Description

The Monitoring Support Project (MSP) was tasked with providing USAID/Afghanistan with data on the implementation of its project portfolio, allowing technical teams to compare information from their own monitoring efforts with additional sources of monitoring and verification (M&V) data, and make evidence-based management decisions on the performance of their activities. MSP utilized a variety of methods and tools to provide the Kabul Mission with sufficient, accurate, and verified information on the progress of its activities.

MSP-E/TO3: QED Group led Task Order 3 (TO3) which focused on carrying out project objectives in the Eastern region, including Bamyan, Daykundi, Ghazni, Kabul, Kapisa, Khost, Kunar, Laghman, Logar, Nangarhar, Nuristan, Paktika, Paktya, Panjsheer, Parwan, andWardak provinces.

MSP-E/TO3 was also tasked to develop in monitoring capacity of the local Afghan organizations with whom it worked including the civil society organizations (CSOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and private Afghan firms. Best practices included:

  • Third-Party Monitoring, developing capacity and mentoring of local field monitors
  • Electronic data capture and the use of mobile devices for data collection
  • Secure, web-based data management portal/dashboard
  • Robust coordination with the two other task orders, MSP-South/West and MSP-North
  • Enhanced client collaboration, e.g. special monitoring project with USAID’s Office of Health and Nutrition (OHN)


  • Completed a total of 1,080 monitoring and verification activities which included the observation of events and facilities; interviews with event participants, staff, and program beneficiaries; and the recording of stock and supplies.
  • Performed monitoring activities on 19 activities, one USAID Office of Health and Nutrition special initiative, and two conferences held in Kabul.
  • Trained and mentored 44 Afghan Center for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research (ASCOR) field monitors
  • Conducted three three special monitoring projects:
    • USAID/Afghanistan Agriculture Extension Project (AAEP) Trainee Survey: MSP-E monitors telephonically interviewed 1,380 AAEP beneficiaries, collecting data on their experiences and satisfaction with AAEP training interventions
    • USAID/Health Sector Resiliency (HSR) Project Trainee Survey: MSP-E monitors telephonically interviewed 85 HSR beneficiaries, collecting data on their experiences and satisfaction with HSR training interventions
    • USAID/OHN Healthcare Beneficiary and Public Health Official Survey: MSP-E monitors interviewed 382 health service beneficiaries, nine NGO representatives, 12 PPHDs, and seven DPHOs, collecting data on healthcare service provision in rural and urban areas across Kabul, Nangarhar, and Parwan
MSP-E/TO3 Final Report, August 2017