CLIENT: US Agency for International Development
REGION: Global
SERVICE: Organizational Development
SECTOR: Agriculture
PROJECT LENGTH: March 2019 - March 2022
QED works with prime implementer, Bixal, to implement the recently awarded Feed the Future Knowledge, Data, Learning, and Training (KDLT) activity. The three-year activity with two option years builds on a long history of QED support for the USAID Bureau for Food Security (BFS) under previous activities such as USAID/Feed the Future Knowledge-Driven Agricultural Development (KDAD): 2013-2019 and USAID/Knowledge-Driven Microenterprise Development (KDMD): 2008-2013.
KDLT is designed to expand the USAID Bureau for Food Security (BFS) and Feed the Future’s capacity and quality of knowledge sharing, data management and analysis, organizational learning, and training. As the U.S. government interagency lead for Feed the Future under the Global Food Security Strategy (GFSS), USAID/BFS is charged with sustainably reducing global hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. BFS expands knowledge on food security, agriculture, nutrition, and resilience with 20 Innovation Labs, research programs, and the Center for Resilience, managed in collaboration with Food for Peace.
KDLT focuses on five key results:
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